Monday, April 19, 2010

How to Treat Anxiety and Bipolar Disorder

Anxiety and bipolar disorder are two different mental abnormalities affecting many these days. Bipolar disorder is also known as manic depression. Patients suffering from this disease travels between mania, an abnormally high-spirited mood and depression, a terribly low mood. It has been found that a patient having bipolar disorder can also have anxiety.

It is good to know the various treatment options available, so that you can take a well informed decision on how to treat anxiety and bipolar disorder.There are many antidepressants which can effectively treat both anxiety and bipolar - disorder. The most a popular drugs are serotonin reuptake inhibitors and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors.

Love Affair With Bipolar Disorder Patient

They stop the brain from recycling norepinenephrine and/or serotonin, the two neurotransmitters which are involved in mood.Mood stabilizers are medicines which can manage the symptoms of both bipolar disorder and anxiety. Lithium is a highly effective medicine which can stabilize mood. Valproic acid is another medicine given to those suffering from bipolar disorder with psychotic symptoms like hallucinations and delusions.

Mood stabilizer may be prescribed to an anxiety disorder patient to improve the effect of the initial anti-anxiety medication. Benzodiazepines are medication to treat anxiety and they act on the receptors in the brain. Examples of such medications which are used for anxiety disorder treatment ate Alprazolam, Lorazepam, Clonazepam etc.

Handling Bipolar Disorder Symptoms at Work

A bipolar disorder patient can take such medication for getting relief from anxiety, sleeplessness or symptoms of agitation.It is essential to know about natural remedies also to find how to treat anxiety and bipolar-disorder. You can include supplements with the permission of your doctor. The popular supplements include Sam-E, St. John's Wort and Omega-3. Serotonin and Dopamine are two brain chemicals which play a major role in bipolar-disorder.

These chemicals have an impact on mood and if their levels are low, it can result in depression. The fact is that by remaining active and exercising for at least 30 minutes a day, you can enhance the production of these essential chemicals. You can also join a support group, where you can share information with others who are tackling the conditions.
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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms - What You Need to Know

Bipolar disorder is a condition that is estimated to affect one in every forty five people, yet many people do not understand this behavioral abnormality. The most common symptom of this affliction is drastic mood changes that range from to severe depression to manic episodes.

Symptoms can vary from each individual and both men and women suffer equally from this disease. Because this illness is often misdiagnosed, many people suffer needlessly without receiving the proper treatment. This condition can be successfully treated once it is properly diagnosed.

Many people can function fully and live their lives as normally as possible when the proper medication has been prescribed.

Major episodes of depression are a part of this illness that can often make it hard for the patient to function and to lead a normal life. There are many different signs of depression and they can include feelings of sadness or hopelessness, anxiety, anger, loss of appetite and disturbances in sleep patterns.

A person who is suffering from this type of depression may have thoughts of suicide and it is important for them to seek medical care. In the most severe cases of depression, a patient may even become psychotic and become unable to function.

The other major symptom of this affliction is the manic episodes that one can experience. During this type of episode one may become irrational, irritable and experience an elevated mood state.

They become easily distracted and their judgment may become severely impaired causing them to make abnormal decisions or to turn to alcohol or drugs. The patient may feel that they are losing control or that they are unstoppable.

Again, the symptoms can vary from each individual and some patients even feel a sense of total euphoria. Sometimes these patients must be hospitalized during a manic episode to treat the symptoms and to keep them under control.

Scientists believe that bipolar disorder can be caused by genetics and from environmental influences. There are many different treatment options that are available and the most common treatment is a mood stabilizer drug such as Lithium Carbonate.

Patients who suffer from this disorder may be able to recognize the signs that they are about to experience an episode and they can seek medical attention as soon as possible. It is possible to live a fully functional life when suffering from this disease, but it is necessary to work with a qualified physician who is knowledgeable in the diagnosis and treatment of this condition.
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About This Blog

Bipolar disorder symptoms can sometimes be confused with normal depression and are not quite understood many people. Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder and is usually diagnosed by a psychiatrist. Bipolar disorder symptoms can vary, but almost always are very extreme. Here are some ways that will help you understand bipolar disorder symptoms

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