Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Beating Depression One Step At A Time

By Johnathan Black

Depression is a condition that affects many people today. A lot of people don't understand how serious or debilitating depression can be, but if you're a sufferer of depression, you already know. There is hope, however! Read on for some tips on staving off depression and feeling happy again.

Practice allowing your feelings to just be. Many times, we feel depressed because feelings are stuck inside, jammed down somewhere because we don't want to deal with them. This is an unconscious response for many people. If you find yourself doing this, accept it and don't beat yourself up. Treat all of your feelings as if they were people. Allow them to exist, hear what they have to say, give them a "mental hug" and you will be surprised at how acknowledging your feelings allows them to dissipate.

Keep a positive attitude. Negative thinking is always present in a person that has depression. Depressed people tend to minimize all of the good in their lives, while happy people keep a positive attitude by accepting sadness as a normal part of life, and fixing what they can. Being positive will also make you more pleasant to be around, and there is a lesser chance you will be lonely.

Focus on happy thoughts. Negative thinking can actually cause you to view everything in your life in a negative light. Keeping your thoughts positive can help to alleviate stress and have a happier outlook on life. Remember to do what you can to solve your problems, but not to allow them to cloud your life.

The best way to beat depression and kick the blues is to become active and exercise. It is not a quick fix to the problem of depression but it is an ongoing way to make life better and gives you something to look forward to tomorrow. Not only does it release stress, but it makes a person feel better about themselves and gives you some control over your life.

Pretend that you are happy. Many times, putting a fake smile on, and attempting to act and think happily can actually cause your mood to change. Faking these changes with your body actually increases the amount of happiness-inducing chemicals produced, which causes you to start to feel the happiness you are outwardly portraying.

While depression can be difficult to deal with there are steps that you can take to manage your condition, such as the ones you've just read. Try these simple tips in your life to see if they can help you get back on the path to living a happy life.

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