Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What Can a Parent Do About Teenage Depression?

By Jaime Charlies

As a parent, recognizing your teen's depression is one of the hardest things you may have to do. Many teens hide their depression, and often parents choose to ignore the warning signs. But you have the ability to help teach your child to deal with depression and get the help they need by knowing what to look for.

No matter which type of depression your teen may have, you can help them by recognizing the problem. Take it seriously, because teen depression can have serious consequences.

How do you know if your teen is depressed? Keep an eye out for the following common signs of depression. These behaviors will clue you in to what's going on in your child's head:

Not eating well. While they may eat normally, they may lose weight. Or, they may not be eating at all.

Not eating well. If your teen eats little when they normally have a hearty appetite, something may be wrong. If your teen is overeating to hide or suppress their emotion, that is also a sign. If your teen isn't eating at all, you know that there is a problem.

Inability to sleep, staying up too late without going to bed. Without sleep, the body and mind become more and more fatigued, struggling to function properly. Your teen's depression will worsen as they can't or won't sleep.

The blues that last. While everyone feels bad sometimes, teens with depression feel bad most of the time. You need to get them some help in these cases.

Teen depression that is serious can lead to additional problems. Teens that are depressed may be more likely to do drugs or drink alcohol. Teens in this situation are less likely to do well in school. They may retreat so much so into themselves that they may become ill or may attempt to harm themselves.

Teens who struggle with depression who drink alcohol and/or take drugs may do so because they hope it will give them some brief happiness or escape. But it's up to you to talk to them about the dangers of these substances. These substances can cause them far more harm than happiness. Be an involved parent. Look for the signs of teen depression in your child and their friends, such as an increase in depression talk. Even a few words of encouragement, love and kindness can help a depressed teen to have hope. There are many resources for depressed teens, so take their condition seriously and point in the right direction.

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